Little Athletics evolved, like most voluntary community organisations, through the mind and conscience of one man. Trevor Billingham followed the pattern set by many pioneers in the field of community service. He recognised a need and introduced an idea designed to meet that need.
On an October day in 1963 three boys turned up at an athletics meeting in Geelong. They were ready to compete. On approaching an official they were told that they were too young to take part. That official was Trevor Billingham.The disappointment, evident in the boys, left a marked impression on his mind.
The thought was forgotten; it came alive again several months later. At a coaching clinic designed for secondary school students it was noted that the majority of children were of primary school age.Reminded of his earlier experience, Trevor Billingham had an idea. The answer to the need expressed in the children would be a simple Saturday morning competition.
On the first Saturday of October 1964, he met with a small group of children on a Geelong oval. They took part in a short program of running events. From that simple beginning, athletics for under 12 boys and girls developed at a phenomenal rate. Little Athletics created tremendous interest; by 1967 the Victorian Little Athletics Association was formed.
Australian Little Athletics Union was formed in Perth on the 31 March 1972.Victoria, New South Wales, Northern Territory & Western Australia were the founding members.
Competition commenced in Tasmania in Launceston, 1973.
Committee of Management : 1973/74
President | Mr. L. Capes |
Secretary | Mrs. W. Gooding |
Treasurer/Registrar | Mr. E. Holloway |
Track and Field | Mr. L. Capes |
Technical and Equipment | Mr. H. Llewellyn |
Publicity | Mr. F. Nott |
Organiser of Officials | Mr. K. French |
Records and Ranking | Mr. J. James |
Championships & Special Meetings | Mrs. B. Watts |
Coaching | Mr. A. Willis |
Cross Country | Miss J. Hodgson |
Clubs Liaison | Mr. M. Simmons |
Arena Manager | Mr. L. Capes |
Chief Track Referee | Mr. A. Willis |
Chief Field Referee | Mr. F. Nott |
Chief Track Marshall | Mr. E. Holloway |
Chief Field Marshall | Mr. M. Simmons |
An extract from the Examiner Newspaper – 1973