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Call for Nominations

LITTLE ATHLETICS TASMANIA is seeking nominations from interested and suitably qualified individuals to fill two (2) Director positions that will become available at the AGM (Annual General Meeting), on the 19th June 2021.
The LATas Board is made up of six elected Directors and up to two Appointed Directors. In accordance with the rotation outlined in the Constitution, the two elected directors will serve a term of three years, until the 2024 Annual General Meeting.
The Little Athletics Tasmania Board has overall responsibility for the governance of the organisation and its strategic development and growth. To ensure that the Board has the right balance of skills to effectively lead the organisation into the future, Little Athletics Tasmania is seeking nominations from individuals with a range of qualifications, skills and experience. It is also desirable for the Board to encompass diversity in aspects such as gender, age, background and perspective.
Nomination forms can be downloaded by clicking on the link below. Nominations are to be received by the LATas Office no later than 5:00pm on Thursday 20th May 2021.
For further details please contact the LATas Office at or on 1300 888 713